Scientific Committee (SC)

Dr Nizar Mahlaoui
Dr Nizar Mahlaoui is a paediatrician specialising in immuno-haematology at Necker-Enfants Malades University Hospital in Paris, France. He manages the French National Reference Center for Children and Adults with Primary Immune Deficiencies. He trained under the supervision of Prof Alain Fischer and Jean-Laurent Casanova, giants in the field of PID. He has a particular interest in epidemiology of PID and natural history studies of PIDs.
He has published extensively and holds a PhD in Epidemiology of Rare Diseases and Public Health. Dr Mahlaoui is actively involved in various patient organisations, as the Chair of the Medical Advisory Panel of IPOPI and has received accolades for his contributions to patient empowerment and support. Dr Mahlaoui is the founder of the Adolescent and Young Adults Transition Care Programme “La Suite-Necker”, which has been recognised for its innovative approach (Including the Galien Award in 2019).