Organising Committee (OC)

Anna Sediva

Prof Anna Sediva

Prof Anna Sediva has a long time experience as a paediatrician working at all levels of pediatric care, from a local hospital to University affiliated specialised centers. Her further practice in immunology includes internships abroad from 1992 to 1995 at New York Medical College in NY, USA and further as the Fulbright scholar in University of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA, in 2001. From 2010 to 2015 she held a position on the ESID board and since 2011 she is chairing JMF and since 2022 also ERN centers in Prague. Prof Sediva holds currently the position of vice-head of the Department of Immunology in major University hospital in Prague. She is responsible for the field of paediatric immunopathologies with an emphasis on inborn errors of immunity.

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