Scientific Programme
IPIC2025 Prague – Preliminary Programme
15.00-19.00 | Registration opens
17.00-17.45 | Opening session including keynote address
Chairs: Dr Nizar Mahlaoui and Martine Pergent
- Opening remarks – Johan Prévot & Martine Pergent
- Keynote speech “From the immune self to immunodeficiencies” or a “philosophical conceptual framework to understand immunodeficiencies”: Prof Martin Zach
17.45-19.00 | Session 1: Use of AI tools to improve the clinical management of immunodeficiencies
Chairs: Siobhan Burns
- Lecture 1: Diagnosing the undiagnosed rare disease patient with artificial intelligence – Dr Nicholas Rider
- Lecture 2: An artificial intelligence Framework for Personalized Early and Timely Diagnosis and prognosis of PIDs
- Lecture 3: AI to improve the genetic profiling and personalised treatment of the immunodeficient patient – Dr Maaike Kusters
19:15 | Welcome Reception
08.00-08.30 | Guided Poster Walk
08.30-10.00 | Session 2: Precision Pathways: Innovating Targeted Therapies
Chairs: Prof Stuart Tangye
- Lecture 1: JAK inhibitors talk
- Lecture 2: HLH interferon gamma – Dr Fabrizio de Benedetti
- Lecture 3: Targeted therapies used in atopic dermatitis / asthma – Prof Christine Bodemer
- Lecture 4: Patient testimony
10.00-10.30 | Coffee Break and Guided Poster Walk 2
10.30-12.00 | Session 3: Secondary immunodeficiencies
Chairs: Dr Virgil Dalm
- Lecture 1: When the secondary hides the primary
- Lecture 2: B-cell and non B-cell targeted immunomodulation causing immunodeficiencies
- Lecture 3: Optimal Ig therapy regimen for SID (when to start, dosage, when to stop) – Prof Stephen Jolles
- Lecture 4: Nursing perspective on holistic treatment of the SID patients
13.00-14.15 | Lunch and Poster Walk
14.15-15.45 | Session 4: Pathogen paradox – tackling complex infections in the immunodeficient patient (Case studies)
Chairs: Prof Anna Sediva
Opening: Video testimony – Igor Koruga (Serbia)
- Lecture 1: Specific infections linked to distinct PID subcategories – Dr David Lowe
- Lecture 2: Case study: Noro virus and Giardia parasite – Prof Surjit Singh
- Lecture 3: Case study: Refractory tuberculosis in patients with IFNg antibodies
- Lecture 4: Case study: fungal infection
15.45-16.15 | Coffee Break and Guided Poster Walk 3
16.15-17.30 | Session 5: Breaking topics from around the world?
Chairs: Dr Anne Barasa
- Lecture 1: Asian region – XLA HSCT vs IgRT
- Lecture 2: African region – Tunisia experience with haplo-transplantation? – Prof Monia Ouederni
- Lecture 3: North American region – More successful commercial implementation of targeted therapies – Prof Elie Haddad
- Lecture 4: European region – Academic/non-profit development of gene therapies – Prof Fabio Candotti
- Lecture 5: South-American region – Newborn Screening – Prof Antonio Condino Neto
20.00 | Congress Dinner
9.00-10.30 | Session 6: The current status of gene therapy in PID
Chairs: Prof Fabio Candotti
- Lecture 1: The expanding universe of PID gene therapy – Prof Marina Cavazzana
- Lecture 2: Can we cure genetic diseases by rewriting DNA?
- Lecture 3: CAR T and CAR NK approaches in immune diseases
- Lecture 4: New avenues for gene editing / genomic medicine in PIDs – Prof Claire Booth
10.30-11.00 | Coffee break and Guided Poster Walk 4
11.00-12.30 | Session 7: Ethics Session: philosophical and ethical considerations to clinical boundaries in genomics (discussion panel)
Chairs: Dr Lizzi Rivers
- Discussion Panel – Prof Alain Fischer, Prof Martin Zach, Prof James Taylor, Prof Adli Ali.
12.30-13.45 | Lunch and Poster Walk
14.45-15.15 | Young PID investigators: poster winners’ session
15.15-15.45 | Coffee break and Guided Poster Walk 5
15.45-17.00 | Session 8: “Mystic liver” – management of hepatic manifestations
Chairs: Prof Martin Van Hagen
- Opening Lecture: The liver as essential organ in immune system – Prof Martin Van Hagen
- Discussion Panel – Prof Luc van der Laan, Dr Neil Halliday.
17.00-17.45 | Closure talk – Seeing the Whole Picture: A Comprehensive Approach to Genetic Evaluation
Chairs: Dr Nizar Mahlaoui
- Closing Lecture – Prof Steven Holland